Archive by Author

Secrets To Enrolling Women Into A Polyamorous Relationship – Especially When They Are Not Polyamorous!


In this Bonus teleseminar, Mark Michael Lewis describes the actual frames and invitations he used to enroll the women he was meeting into dating him even when he was openly dating other women, sometimes for years at a time.


  • The framing he used to make them OK with him dating other people
  • Leveraging the Bad Boy nature of having multiple lovers vying for his time and attention
  • The nature of the online dating profile he used to attract women to contact him
  • and much more…

To download the video of this interview, goto
Secrets Of Polyamory Mark Michael Lewis Style

Untangling Sex, Romance, and Intimacy To Weave A Loving Partnership

In this live seminar, Mark unveils the hidden mindsets that lead us to create conflict and distance where we want synergy and love. By learning to recognize our different motivations and values, we can co-create a a harmonious balance between our values and desires.

  • How Sex, Romance, and Intimacy are jumbled together in conventional culture
  • one thing?
  • How we can honor each one independently.
  • How we can weave them together in a conscious partnership.