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Lesson 21 – Getting Good at the Dance of Romance

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In this session, you will:

  • Why even bother with romance?
  • Learn about the mindset of romance, and how to systematically create it.
  • Make the commitment to getting good at creating romance.
  • Learn about romance as a gateway to the spiritual, emotional connection.
  • Learn what it means to be “at cause” or “at effect” when it comes to romance in your partnership.

Romance is a story of a dream coming true


Lesson 20 – The 5 Keys of Thriving Partnership

In this session, you will:

  • Take a walk back through the course and weave the lessons together to get the total picture
  • Refresh and remember ideas and principles you may have forgotten.
  • Get actionable ideas for how to make your real life relationship better.
  • Go over the 5 Keys and flesh out each one in relationship all that we have learned.

Lesson 19 – Red Zone Practices

In this session, you will:

  • Learn some Red Zone secrets to resolving the drama and getting off the hamster wheel when the intensity and trigger gets really intense.
  • What to do when you are so emotionally triggered that, even though you have the skills, you can’t seem to use them.
  • Learn the difference between experience and expressing our emotions vs. reacting and enacting them.
  • Discover the power of having a chosen story you can call on when times are tough.
  • Learn some psycho-geography including “the directors chat” and “A soliloquy space”

Lesson 17 – Artistry in Intimacy

In this session, you will:

  • Deepen our understanding of realization through intimacy.
  • Learn about the skill in CTP artistry called “Cleaning the Class”
  • How to expertly unwind “withholds” you have with your partner.

In Lesson 17 we learn new skills for artistry in playing The Game of Intimacy. Cleaning the Glass offers a view and a method for getting real about how we are showing up with our partner in relationship and a path for leading us to transparency and intimacy.

5 Psychological Short-Circuits of not sharing what is on the glass

  • We are no longer present with our partner, we are present with our psychological BS
  • We pretend that we think or feel or desire something that we actually don’t.
  • Everything associated with it gets tainted by choosing not to share
  • Stuff on the glass not only contaminates everything that it touches, but also everything that thing touches.
  • We justify that we have things on the glass.

Cleaning the Glass” is especially valuable for couples playing the Game of Intimacy together.

Here is a review of the rules of The game of Intimacy for your quick reference:

The Game of Intimacy

  • Rule 1: I will do what I want to do.
  • Rule 2: I will not do what I don’t want to do.
  • Rule 3: I will honor our agreements and emotions by using the Yes DEAR process to resolve emotional upsets.
  • Rule 4: I will honor the privacy of what my partner shares with me.
  • Rule 5: I will understand and accept my partner(no shaming)
  • Rule 6: I will share my vulnerable truth with my partner.(No Hiding)

Lesson 16 – A Game of Intimacy II

In this session, you will:

  • Explore in depth the fourth, fifth and sixth rules or agreements in the Game of Intimacy.
  • Learn to enhance intimate sharing in partnership.
  • Describe how all 6 rules work together to create the “soul to soul” effect in partnerships.

The Game of Intimacy

  • Rule 1: I will do what I want to do.
  • Rule 2: I will not do what I don’t want to do.
  • Rule 3: I will honor our agreements and emotions by using the Yes DEAR process to resolve emotional upsets.
  • Rule 4: I will honor the privacy of what my partner shares with me.
  • Rule 5: I will understand and accept my partner(no shaming)
  • Rule 6: I will share my vulnerable truth with my partner.(No Hiding)