Lesson 1 – Exercise

Lesson for Clarity, Commitments, and the 5 Keys to Thriving Partnerships

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Your Task: Listen to this exercise and follow all instructions. You’ll want something to capture your thoughts (journal, text file, etc.)

Share your Stories! If you find anything you really love in this lesson, please note it in the comments section below.

Welcome to Exercise #1 !!!

You will want to have a document or journal in front of you as you listen so you can write down the answers.

We will use a fast writing technique that is designed to leverage your intuition
and assist you in getting to the heart of the matter. You will want to write fast!

Feel free to stop the audio if you want more time, and try to use the time constraints to answer quickly using your intuition vs. your ideas about what the right answer should be. We want the answer that is true for you, whatever that is, not the right answer that you think you should have, or an answer that would sound good to others.

Part 1.

This first exercise is all about you getting clear about where you are in your relationships and where you want to go. What really matters you about relationship, and what’s at stake for you?

To get you in touch with this, we will have you ask and answer questions surrounding The 5 Keys To Creating Thriving Partnerships
1. Reality
2. Reason
3. Responsibility
4. Respect
5. Realization

KEY #1. REALITY: Conscious Partnership
The first key to creating thriving partnerships is Reality – or Conscious Partnership.

What are the real relationships in your life where you want thriving? Which ones make the biggest difference, the ones that have the most impact on their on your real-life?
I will suggest 5 categories, and I want you to choose the top 1 or 3 or -5 in each category — the people who have the most powerful impact on your quality of life
in each of those areas.

ROMANCE – first, in the realm of romance – 10 seconds to write down the name of your romantic intimate partner or partners or would-be partners.

FAMILY – Write down the top 3-5 family members, probably those who get your emotions moving.

FRIENDS – Your top 3-5 friends, the ones that mean the most to you.

WORK – Your top 3-5 work colleagues, the ones that most impact your quality of work life.

COMMUNITIES – The  top 3-5 people in the communities you participate in,
the ones that impact your status, power, and belonging in those communities.

5 – 3 – 1

Now, choose the top 5 people from this list, the ones that have the deepest impact on your quality of life.

Now, choose the top 3. Which are the ones that really make the biggest difference – just choose.

Now, who is #1? Who is the most important person in terms of impacting the quality of your life?

KEY #2: REASON: Intentional Partnership

The second key to creating thriving partnerships is Reason – or Intentional Partnership.

The question to ask and answer about this is, what are the stories are you telling yourself about your relationships? How do you understand what is happening in the partnership?

So choose your #1 relationship and – in 60 seconds – write down the story you would tell someone (if you were really honest) about where the relationship is going.

Is it good, or great or bad or horrible. it is getting better or worse? Imagine talking to an old friend who you could really just lay out the truth of it, how you think about it. What is the story you would tell them.

Next, ask yourself, does this story inspire me to invest my best intelligence and energy into making this relationship thrive? on a scale of 1-10 – how inspiring is your story?

Now, choose your #2 relationship and – in 60 seconds – write down the story you would tell someone (if you were really honest) about where the relationship is going.

Next, ask yourself, does this story inspire me to invest my best intelligence and energy into making this relationship thrive? on a scale of 1-10 – how inspiring is your story?

Now, choose your #3 relationship and – in 60 seconds – write down the story.

On a scale of 1-10 – how inspiring is your story?

KEY #3: RESPONSIBILITY: Authentic Partnership

The third key to creating thriving partnerships is Responsibility or Authentic Partnership

the question I want you to ask and answer for this key is, What do you really want in this partnership? Where do you want it to go? What do you want to avoid? 60 seconds – go.

Now, I am going to ask the same question but have you focus in 3 specific areas,
which I will call love, happiness, and teamwork.

60 seconds. What do you want in terms of love? In terms of friendship, intimacy, depth, meaning?

60 seconds. Now, what do you want in terms of happiness? In terms of pleasure, fun, joy, ecstasy?

60 seconds. Now, what do you want in terms of teamwork? Communication, delegation, effectiveness, synergy?

The more clarity you get about what you want, the easier it will be to make it reality, and the more love, happiness, and teamwork you will experience.

KEY #4: RESPECT: Evolving Partnership

The fourth key to creating thriving partnerships is Respect – or Evolving Partnerships

The question I want you to ask and answer about this key is, how do you negotiate the boundaries and agreements in your relationship? How do you deal with disagreements, dissapointments, and conflict?
60 seconds – go.

Scale of 1-10 how are you doing?

Is it getting better worse?

60 seconds
Who else does this relationship impact? How would improve the relationships improve your other relationships? What’s the ecology and network of people who you impact. 60 seconds.

KEY #5: REALIZATION: Transcendent Partnership

The fifth key to creating thriving partnerships is Realization or Transcendent Partnership.

The question I want you to ask and answer for this key is:

How does this partnership fit into my overall purpose in life? How does this partnership further my personal and spiritual development, and the higher beauty that my life, at its best, it is ultimately in service of? 60 seconds – go.

Now, 60 seconds – if I could choose, how would I want this relationship to impact my personal and spiritual development?

You do get to choose how this fits into your overall purpose in life.

  • You can choose to focus on the most important part of its Reality,
  • Bring your best Reason and tell stories that empower and inspire,
  • Take Responsibility for making authentic love, joy, and teamwork,
  • Demonstrate a deeper Respect for yourself and your partner – to transform conflict into cooperation and synergy,
  • All in service of a more profound Realization of your highest and deepest values.


Each of these 5 keys multiply the effectiveness of the others — the better you do each of them, the better you can do all of them, and the better you can do all of them together, the better you do will each of them individually.

You are on track, you are on path, you are on course, an advanced course to Creating Thriving Partnerships

If you are inspired, I encourage you to listen to the lesson and do the exercise again, to multiply your results! Then, on to the next lesson!

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